Monday, 18 January 2010

For Heaven's Sake!

We've just been on a church weekend away, where we heard four talks from Revelation 20-22 (Thanks to James Fletcher, curate of St Nick's tooting for speaking so clearly and faithfully!)

At the end of it, he challenged us to come away with just one thing from the weekend. I thought about this on my return, and realised that I don't think about heaven enough! If I did meditate on my eternal home more, I think it would have the following effects:

1. I will love the world (and my idols) less
Once I realise the physicality, beauty, protection and perfection of heaven, I'll get more of an eternal perspective on my future. I'll realise that whilst all gifts here are good and to be enjoyed, they'll be nothing compared to an eternity of intimate fellowship with God. 

2. I will share the gospel more
Once I realise that through Christ, I have gained heaven, and shunned hell, I'll surely want the same for my friends, family and colleagues, and point them towards Christ more regularly, and more earnestly

3. I will grow in my humility
Revelation 20-22 talks about the "Lamb who was slain" being seated there. We need to remember (if we trust in Christ) that Jesus was slain for us, in order to bring us to God. We can't marvel at our own deeds, as they are just like dirty rags compared to this. Also, we'll be made perfect and new in heaven, and this means being without sin. Looking at my sin riddled life at the moment is a pretty sorry sight compared to what we'll be like in heaven.

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